How to Prepare for ORP

Before Test Day

  • Check your equipment. Computers used for ORP must meets minimum technology requirements including being equipped with:
    • A functioning webcam
    • A functioning microphone
    • A strong internet connection
  • Download Guardian browser. This browser is required to take your secure NWSA exam.
  • Test equipment. Once the Guardian Browser has been downloaded, open it and copy and paste the following URL to run a system check and ensure your computer will be suitable for testing:
  • Identify an acceptable space to take your exam. The testing room needs to be quiet, well-lit, away from other people, with a door that closes, and a hard surface to work from (rather than a bed or couch). The desk or workspace area needs to be free of any materials (no scratch papers, books, etc.).
  • Watch Proctor U’s “What to Expect on Exam Day” video. This video will walk you through the steps to take just before your exam, what you need to have on hand for your exam, and what you can expect from the launch process.

    What to Expect on Exam Day video

Test Day

Before Logging in to Take Your Exam

  • Establish your testing space alone, in a quiet, well-lit, room with the door closed.
  • Have a government-issued ID with your date of birth ready. This could be:
    • Passport
    • Government–issued driver’s license
    • Military identification card
    • U.S. Government–issued alien registration card
  • Clear your workspace from all materials. No scratch paper, calculator, books etc. are permitted. Everything needed for your exam will be on-screen.
  • Close all computer programs and disconnect any secondary monitors.
  • Have a mirror or cell phone close by for the room screening process. You will put this out of reach before beginning the exam.
  • Remove any non-religious head coverings.

    If you haven’t already, download the Guardian Browser.

Starting Your Exam

  • Log in to your NWSA Candidate Profile: 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment and click "Schedule/Manage Written Exam" then "Start" when the countdown timer reaches 0:00:00.
  • Pre-checks: If you don’t already have the Guardian Browser downloaded, you’ll be prompted to download it. You’ll be required to accept exam guidelines and terms of service. The browser will prompt you to share your screen, a required part of being proctored online. You’ll be automatically guided through a series of equipment checks to make sure your system meets minimum requirements.
  • Chatbox download: You will be prompted to download and run a LogMeIn Rescue file that will bring up a chat box allowing you to text with your proctor. If prompted, be sure to click “open” or “allow” to give the file permission to run. When the chat box says “waiting,” it means that you are in the queue waiting for your proctor.

    TIP: If your status shows “waiting,” do not re-download the file as that will put you back at the end of the queue. If you have issues with this download file, view these troubleshooting tips.

  • Proctor Connection & Confirmations: Your proctor will greet you and confirm your identity. You’ll review the exam rules with your proctor.
  • Photos & Authentication: You’ll take a photo of yourself as well as your ID for identity verification purposes.
  • Remote System Check: Your proctor will ask to take remote control of your mouse and keyboard via the LogMeIn Rescue (“chatbox”) applet to make sure no unpermitted programs are running. You will be able to see everything that your proctor is doing during this step, and it is impossible for them to access any files without your knowledge.
  • Camera Pan: Your proctor will ask you to show the four walls of your room as well as your desk space via your webcam. You may or may not also be asked to show your computer monitor by using a mirror or cellphone camera. Lastly, your proctor will make sure your cell phone is out of reach.
  • Navigating to the Exam & Password Entry: Your proctor will then direct you into your exam delivery system so that they can start your exam.
  • Take Your Exam: Your proctor will release control of your computer and you’ll begin your exam when you’re ready.
  • Proctor Assistance: During your exam, your proctor will be monitoring your testing environment via webcam and your on-screen activities. If you have any technical issues during your exam, you may use the chatbox or phone icon at the top of your screen to communicate with your proctor.
  • Finishing the Exam: Once your exam has been completed, you will see your pass/fail status. You may then close out the testing session and close the Guardian browser. The proctor will still be connected remotely until you close the chatbox. You may be asked to complete a brief, optional satisfaction survey from Proctor U. Once complete, you may close the Guardian Browser. Your results will be emailed to you and you will find them in your NWSA Candidate Portal.