About the NWSA Group Application Portal
Allows an individual to begin the candidate profile creation process, submit applications, and make payments on behalf of candidates.
How to create a Group Application Profile
All first-time users must create a group application profile. No past submissions will be populated once the profile has been created. To create a group application profile the following must be provided:
- Email address – preferably a work account. *If user is also a candidate/certificant the email address cannot be the same as what is provided on the candidate portal.
- Password
- First Name
- Last Name
- Address
Group Application and Payment Process
Once a group application profile has been created the provider may create their organization, find, or begin application process for candidate, and/or bulk pay.
To find or create candidates the provider must know if a candidate is a New or Existing Users.
New Candidate - Any individual who has not previously applied or taken an exam with NWSA and all NWSA Candidates that have not yet created their NWSA Candidate Portal Profile. A candidate who has not previously created their profile will have a candidate ID that begins with "222-xx-xxxx".
Note: An NWSA Candidate Portal Profile will be created for all new candidates. Candidates will be notified at the email supplied of the profile creation and steps to complete their registration prior to testing.
Existing Candidate - Only NWSA Candidates who have created their NWSA Candidate Portal Profile. A candidate who has created their profile will have a candidate ID that begins with "333-xx-xxxx".
Note: "New Candidate" will need to be selected for all other individuals regardless of previous NWSA Application, Examination, or Certification history. Any previous exam or certification history will be merged upon profile approval.
Candidates without an existing NWSA Candidate Portal Profile WILL NOT be notified of any application submissions on their behalf.
Providers may pay for any application that they have created.
After Application and/or Payment Submission
Candidate(s) are notified via email when any applications and payments have been submitted on their behalf.
New Candidates - Will be required to complete their Candidate Portal Profile submission. This will be done through providing the following information:
- Password
- Address
- Date of Birth
- Phone Number
- Copy of Government ID
- If applicable Candidate ID or Certification Number
- Photo – to be used for profile and certification card
Once the profile information is supplied, NWSA staff will review, approve, and merge any existing exam and/or certification data within 2 business days. Candidates will be notified at the completion of the review and approval process.
Candidates may then complete their exam application by indicating the need for accommodations (if needed an additional processing delay will be experienced) and confirming their review of NWSA's attestation statement. Exams can then be scheduled in as little as 15 minutes.
Existing Candidates - Will be required to complete their exam application by indicating the need for accommodations (if needed an additional processing delay will be experienced) and confirming their review of NWSA's attestation statement. Exams can then be scheduled in as little as 15 minutes.
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