NWSA Hosts Town Hall Meeting at IWCE 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada

(Las Vegas, Nevada) - The National Wireless Safety Alliance (NWSA) hosted a Town Hall Meeting yesterday at the 2016 International Wireless Communications Expo (IWCE) in Las Vegas, Nevada. IWCE is a popular annual event for communications technology professionals in the working world. Over 7,000 individuals attend from a diverse group of industry professionals including government/military; public safety (law enforcement, fire service, emergency medical & 911); utility; transportation and business enterprise.

“The NWSA Town Hall Meeting at IWCE 2016 provided a tremendous platform for our organization to educate key stakeholders in the wireless, public safety, utility and government sectors on the transformative impact the NWSA’s assessment and certification programs will have on the industry’s workforce,” stated NWSA Board of Governors Chairman Art Pregler from AT&T.

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